Monday, November 8, 2010


When I wake up tomorrow the world will be covered in a blanket of snow. The weather bug is predicting it and I believe it. It was trying to snow all day, a kind of slushy half frozen rain.
Snow is not my favorite. Winter is not my favorite. So I think it is time for me to start counting my blessings (instead of sheep).
I'm grateful for the ever changing view I am treated to each day. Don't get me wrong, I miss the monotony of good weather, the year round green, of my home in California. But I am amazed at how the scenery here changes day by day. Each season brings with it incredible beauty if not pleasant weather. This fall has been amazing. Every day I notice new colors that weren't there the day before. A few days of wind and rain and many of the leaves have fallen, leaving the dark branches in sharp contrast to the remaining bright yellow leaves.
I'm grateful to be able to walk. A few years ago I couldn't take a step unassisted. Through a series of miraculous events I have been given the gift of mobility. Not a day goes by that I don't thank the Lord for this miracle of ambulation. I can walk and ride and even run a bit, without pain.
I'm grateful for the end of daylight savings.
I'm grateful for my family. I have 13 (my lucky number I think) gorgeous grandchildren and their wonderful loving parents. I have terrific siblings, nieces and nephews, and the best parents, one still with me. I get pictures, movies, calls and emails almost daily reminding me how blessed I am to have such a loving family.
I am grateful to be a part of the awesome missionary force working throughout the world. What a blessing to be a small part of such an incredible plan. David and I make such a tiny contribution, but like so many others get to feel the spirit of the Lord's amazing Plan of Redemption. I also realize you don't have to be a full time missionary to participate. It is open to all of us.
It seems too early for winter, but I don't get to decide these things. A little cold and snow is a tiny inconvenience. I would wish my days to be bound each to each in gratitude.

1 comment:

  1. We are having a cold week here as well. It got down to 32 degrees last night. No precipitation though. Great blog as usual.
