Sunday, November 14, 2010


Complete strangers smile at me!  Not all of them of course, but a significant number of them do.  I wondered why, so decided to analyze it a little.  Is this something that happens to everyone?  Friends I have asked indicate that they don't find the world all that smiley.  So lets assume for a minute that it isn't because of my movie star good looks or stunning figure.  What the heck are they smiling at?
Sometimes it is because of my ride.  Passing people on the trail they often smile and say what a beautiful horse I'm on.  He is a pretty thing.  Same with my car.  I was in the post office parking lot the other day and a man came almost sprinting across the lot with the biggest smile.  "What a great car!"  "Do you love your Z?  How fast does it go?" A 4 year old walked by me on his way into a store and remarked to his Mom, "Look Mom a real race car."  I offered to let him drive it.
But I'm often on foot and still I get the smiles.  I have to give the credit to David.  Almost everyone at one time or another, has their life touched by a special person like David.  Many people recognize in him a wonderful spirit and want to share that knowledge with me.  These people, wherever we are, come up to us and express appreciation for who David is.  Many want to tell us about their friend or relative who has down syndrome, some just smile as we pass.  This has always been the case, but especially so since we have been missionaries.  They see us, walking together, wearing our missionary badges and I guess their minds conjure up a history that allows us to be here serving at this time.  Probably a history more grand and inspiring than the true story, but the end result is that they smile at us.  And the end result of that is that we feel loved and appreciated.  So smile away.  I can take it.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! it made me :'-) a little. Look forward to seeing you at Thanksgiving.
