Thursday, January 21, 2010

Little Purple Pansies

Beautiful weather the past 2 days! We had a little "frozen mix" (read wet snow, or icy rain) that cleared the air, and temperatures in the mid 30's for a couple of days. What was left was incredible blue skies with a few puffy white clouds floating about. When the sun doesn't shine for weeks on end you forget how blue the sky can be.
So I had occasion to walk to a few locations on the other side of temple square and I saw all these beds full of pansies, blooming. WHAT ARE PANSIES MADE OF?!! It is about 20 degrees at night and we had about a month where it never got as warm as 20 in the daytime. And, these flowers have been under snow for about 3 months. I remember watching the gardeners planting pansies last October and thinking they were really wasting their time and money planting flowers just when the weather was getting cold, but I guess they know something about pansies that I don't. Can't help but admire a flower that can bloom in such conditions.


  1. I won't be offended when someone calls me a Pansy. Seems more like a compliment to me.

  2. lovely. I am glad that you take time to notice the little miracles all around us.
