Sunday, January 31, 2010

Comfort and Joy

I miss my husband. I miss the comfort of having him beside me. I miss having someone to share everything with. I miss that confidence that comes from knowing there is someone who has my back, someone in my corner, through good times and bad. I know he isn't really so far away, but I miss the hugs and kisses and proximity of my very own spouse. I miss his computer skills, I miss his sense of humor, I miss talking to him and having him talk back. And since being on this mission and seeing so many happy couples serving together, I miss the mission that we planned to serve together. Sheldon would be loving this mission. With his skill with computers, interest in family history, and gregarious nature, Sheldon would have loved every minute of this family history mission.


  1. I think about Sheldon often. I enjoyed working at Berrett because of him. When the phones were really busy and I was stressed Sheldon would order pizza and have me turn the ringers off. We would eat lunch together and laugh about all the "mean " customers. He made a not so fun job, a very enjoyable one. When June was born the thing I missed most was not seeing Sheldon on a regular basis.

  2. Becky, this was a sweet post and a sweet picture of you guys. We think of you both and I think Sheldon is proud of what a great missionary you are.

  3. I miss him too. I sometimes think that little Conrad will never know his grandpa.
