Sunday, May 30, 2010

Take Heart

Most of the time I'm a pretty upbeat lady. I am cheerful and optimistic and generally a happy person. However, I will confess to a bit of discouragement lately. I've noticed that even though I've been here a while there is still so much I don't know. I found myself passing up patrons, sending them to other missionaries, fearing that I wouldn't be able to help them enough. I found the joy in my work diminishing as I focused on my limitations. Before discouragement turned to full on depression I decided to take it to the Lord. Confessing my feelings and weaknesses, I pleaded for help.
The next day was my temple and research day, but before I left the library I was able to work with a lady who wanted to find her grandmother. I was able to help her find many things about her family. She was so moved that she actually cried as I showed her documents about her grandmother and other ancestors. Then I showed her how to find more. As I left she hugged me and thanked me for helping her find her family. I said a silent prayer of thanks for the gift of this lovely patron when I really needed it.
And just to show you that I know God answers prayers in wondrous ways, the mail brought a card that evening. It was from a somewhat troubled young man I had worked with a few weeks earlier. He wrote:
"Sister Demke,
Thank you so much! I was the young man who you helped research his biological father's genealogical information. I really felt a great spirit doing this and your service really helped me think about my life. I have a lot to improve on still. I'm not at the appropriate point in my life where I could do his work yet, but I vow to before I go someday. Please continue to do what you do and redeem those who cannot do it for themselves. God Bless you."
So! Life is hard, Get over it! Forget yourself and go to work! God is mindful of us and sends his tender mercies when we need them. I realize I don't know it all, but I know enough to be of service.
Every time I go to the temple, or to church and hear people praying for the missionaries I am reminded that we are included in that large and diverse community. With so much faith behind us we will surely succeed.

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