Sunday, November 8, 2009

I can do it, I think.

Last week was my first week in the Family Search rotation. Officially. Not in training. Still, there are many seasoned family search experts to call upon, so I'm feeling not quite confident, but not too terrified. I've met some amazing people and I've been able to be of a little help to some of them. There was a delightful couple from Alaska who were so excited about their search for ancestors. He was able to tie into lines that had a lot of work already done, and she was able to find several ancestors using the library resources. After a couple of days in the library, they were telling me how grateful they were for the help and how excited they were to continue the search back home. "This is such a cool place! I can't believe you all are here to help us, and for free!"
I was feeling pretty good about my little part in helping them. I was feeling like I might be able to be of some use here after all. While basking in this positive feedback the floor manager motioned me over to help a new patron. New to me only. She was a seasoned "genealogist" who used to work in the library. "I have a flash drive full of names that are ready for temple work," she explained. "I need to get them to 'temple ready'." I explained that we don't use "temple ready" anymore, but that I could help her with new family search. She turned to me with a look of pitying disdain, and replied, "That's what I hate about this place. They put people out here who don't know anything." Instant humility!
I called an old timer over who told her, "We don't use "temple ready" anymore, but I can show you how to use new family search. I went and licked my wounds.
Ready for a new week.

1 comment:

  1. You're doing great, I just know it! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. And how's Elder Demke? Give him a hug from me :)
