Sunday, February 13, 2011


I was told that our famous groundhog weatherman failed to see his shadow last February 2nd, thus predicting an early spring.  People at home are no doubt enjoying spring already, as it usually arrives in February in Orange County, California.  Here in Utah it is a different story.  I remember all too well last May 28 driving to work through a blowing, freezing snow storm.  I don't dare expect winter to be over, but the past few days have made me hopeful.  We had a high of 57 today.  Pretty warm for February.
Saturday I was out on the trail wearing uninsulated clothing and nothing but a light hoodie for warmth.  It was beautiful.  The picture is deceiving because of all the snow, but what you can't see it that the snow was  mostly slush, wet melting stuff.  You also can't see or hear the birds, every kind including robins, that were chirping and hopping from tree to tree.  You can't see the beautiful big red fox that crossed our path, also feeling warm enough to be out of his den.  You can see the big sun hat I was wearing to protect my lily white skin from the bright sunlight.  My big hairy horse was actually sweating by time we got back to the barn.
More snow is predicted for this week, but with expected highs well above freezing, it won't stay long.  Maybe I'm being foolishly optimistic, maybe not.  But I'll enjoy the hope of spring while it lasts.
(Look at those mountains.  They are really spectacular every season of the year.)

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