Tuesday, September 21, 2010

September 2010 Milestones

This month I will complete the first 12 months of my mission and the first 60 years of my life.  If I am like my parents (unlikely because I have abused my body with unhealthful food and slothfulness for too many years) I can expect to live to 90.  So I have finished 2/3 of both my mission and my life.  It has got me to thinking about the the way each of them is going.
First of all I'm not eager for either to end.  This mission has been so much more fun than I ever could have imagined.  I don't know what I imagined my earth life would be like, but I'm pretty sure I didn't know how much fun it would be either.  Did I know how much I would love my family?  Did I know how much I would enjoy my work and play?  Did I know how much beauty I would find here?  Doubt it, or I would have signed up earlier (1000 BC for example).
Secondly I know they will both end eventually.  The mission call was for 18 months, and when that is over I will return home and do something else.  I hope I will have made a difference in some way, to some one.  When my mortal life ends, I will return home and do something else.  I hope it will be true that I made a difference during my life as well.  Is anything better because I am here?  I think so.  I hope so.
But for now I have 6 months to do my best in the mission.  It might be a good idea to give us advance notice of our earthly release date.  Do I have a day? a decade?  Whatever.  I plan to live it all, right up to the end.  So here's to the last third.

1 comment:

  1. Well, you like like a very hip 60 year old in my opnion and the hat is great! debbie
