Sunday, February 7, 2010

Comfort and Joy (part 2)

Rereading my last post was a little depressing. Lest I give you the impressing that it am comfortless in this cold world, I shall make an incomplete list of non-spousal comforts and joyful things in my life. In no particular order:

This is my son David. He is my missionary companion, my roommate, my comfort and my joy. David has a unique view of the world which almost always makes me smile. Here he is working in the family history library, shelving books. David wakes up each morning excited about a day of work. He greets everyone in the prayer meeting with a hug or handshake and a smile. When I pick him up at the end of our shift and ask him how was work, he responds, "Great!" David is a great Spirit, and I am in awe that he is my son.

Ok, this is a little obvious. It is a comforter. Made by hand by my sister and given to me for Christmas. The beautiful patchwork pattern on this quilt is made up of "horsey" fabrics. It is giant, big enough to share with David, and keeps me toasty warm, body and soul.

This is my granddaughter Daphne who visited me with her dad this weekend. I have 11 other grandchildren, just as adorable, whose dear parents keep me close to them with visits, phone calls, e-mails, videos, pictures and iChats. There is nothing in this world that fills me with joy like any one of those cute kids.

This is my cat Amaranthe curled up with me in bed. Some of you may remember her as a stray I rescued a couple of winters ago. She was living out in the cold, eating birds and drinking any unfrozen water she could find. She weighed almost nothing, but responded well to food and vet care. She has turned into a nice fuzzy companion. I often wake up in the morning with her curled up on my back, keeping me warm.

This is a car. I was actually without a car for a couple of months until my son Christian loaned me this one. Now, it's a pretty hot little car, totally inappropriate for an old lady missionary to drive, but I am soooo glad I have it. I get a few odd looks, and take some good natured ribbing from some of the missionaries who've seen me driving it, but they don't know the secret joy hiding inside this sleek little roadster: HEATED SEATS. Yes, push a button, the seats heat up and I'm riding to work enveloped in blissful warmth. We leave for work in the dark, usually in sub-freezing temperatures, so heated seats are a comfort!

Well, the list is endless, and you have better things to do, but you get the idea. I'm doing fine.
My husbandless state is temporary, but I'm not left comfortless.


  1. Your last post did not strike me as "depressed" in the least. It is perfectly okay, healthy & normal to miss your eternal companion. It was good for me to read your post, for it gave me pause to remember Sheldon & how much I miss him, too. It also served to remind me to be more grateful for my faithful companion, as well. I know I would miss him in a bazillion ways :)

    We love you!!

  2. Nice blog. Nice pics. David needs a haircut, he looks like Igor in that picture.

  3. I say this every time you post a picture of David, but seeing his picture always reminds me how much I miss him. I'm grateful for David too. I miss having that one person in my life who sees the world as perfect. Everything fine and dandy just the way it is. When I am with him I like to put on his rose colored glasses and see life they way he does. It's a blissful break.
    I miss you too. I'm so happy you are on a mission and your blessings are radiating all the way out to California, but I can't wait to sit around the Sunday dinner table again and talk and laugh and eat.
